What Does “Top Bins” Mean in Football?

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What Does “Top Bins” Mean in Football?

You’re watching the Women’s World Cup. It’s Spain vs. Zambia. Alexia has the ball in the box and makes a short pass to Jenni, who passes outside the top of the 18-yard box to Teresa Abelleira. Teresa lines up her shot, and with a swift, powerful kick, the ball sails through the air, avoiding all defenders. The goalkeeper is left stunned (literally, she didn’t try to block it). The ball lands perfectly in the top corner of the goal. The crowd erupts in cheers. That’s a “top bins” moment! Scroll to the bottom to see this exact moment.


Breaking Down “Top Bins”

“Top bins” is a slang term. Slang sounds so bad, let’s try football jargon… or lingo, football lingo! Which was actually added to the Oxford English Dictionary a few years back. Top Bins is used in soccer to describe a shot that flies into the top corner of the goal. Some of you might be thinking, “So what! What’s the big deal?”

Here’s why it’s such a big deal:

  1. Precision and Skill: Hitting the top corner isn’t easy. It requires incredible accuracy and control. It’s like threading a needle but at full sprint while trying to avoid defenders and a goalie whose soul purpose is to deny you goals at all costs.    
  2. Unstoppable: When a shot goes “top bins,” it’s often out of reach for the goalkeeper. Even the best goalkeepers struggle to save these shots because they’re placed so perfectly and most goalkeepers lack the go-go gadget arms needed to stop these shots.
  3. Spectacular: It’s visually stunning. The ball hitting the upper corner of the net is one of the most satisfying sights in football, and it usually leads to wild celebrations from fans and players. Who doesn’t love a good goal celey.


Where did “Top Bins” come from?

The term “top bins” likely comes from British soccer culture. “Bins” is a casual term for bins or trash cans, often found in the corners of rooms or streets. So, when you aim for the top corners of the goal, it’s like trying to toss something perfectly into the top of a bin—hence, “top bins.”


Why Fans Love It

Fans love a good “top bins” goal for several reasons:

  • Excitement: These goals often come during critical moments, adding drama and excitement to the game.
  • Showmanship: It highlights the skill and talent of the player, showcasing why soccer is known as “the beautiful game.”
  • Rarity: While all goals are exciting, “top bins” goals are relatively rare and thus cherished more.


How to Master a Top Bin Shot in Soccer

So, you’ve seen those jaw-dropping “top bins” goals and now you’re itching to score one yourself. Mastering this shot takes practice, precision, and a bit of flair. Here are some tips:


Step 1: Positioning and Approach

  1. Find Your Spot: Position yourself about 18 to 25 yards from the goal. This range gives you a good angle and distance to aim for the top corners.
  2. Angle Your Run: Approach the ball at a slight angle, not straight on. This helps generate the right spin and trajectory for your shot.


Step 2: Body Mechanics

  1. Plant Foot: Your non-kicking foot should land firmly beside the ball, pointing towards your target. This provides stability and direction.
  2. Body Lean: Lean slightly over the ball to keep your shot controlled and prevent it from skying over the goal.


Step 3: Striking the Ball

  1. Contact Point: Aim to strike the ball with the upper part of your foot, around the laces. This area gives you power and accuracy.
  2. Lift and Spin: To get that top corner shot, you need a bit of lift and spin. Hit the bottom half of the ball with a slight upward motion, and add a bit of side spin to curl it towards the top corner.
  3. Follow Through: Your kicking foot should follow through in the direction of your target. A full, smooth follow-through helps maintain accuracy and power.


Step 4: Accuracy and Power

  1. Practice Targeting: Set up small goals or markers in the top corners of a full-size goal during practice. Aim for these targets to improve your precision.
  2. Vary Your Shots: Practice both power shots and finesse shots. Power shots require more force and a quicker follow-through, while finesse shots focus on accuracy and placement.


Step 5: Mental Preparation

  1. Visualize Success: Before taking your shot, visualize the ball hitting the top corner of the net. Positive visualization can improve your focus and confidence. 
  2. Stay Calm Under Pressure: In a game situation, staying calm is crucial. Take a deep breath, focus on your technique, and block out distractions.


Drills to Improve Your Top Bin Shots

  1. Cone Drills: Place cones in the top corners of the goal. Try to hit the cones with your shots, gradually increasing the difficulty by varying your distance and angle.
  2. Wall Rebounds: Practice shooting against a wall, aiming for a spot that mimics the top corner of a goal. This helps improve your accuracy and consistency. As a kid, I used to go to racquetball courts and kick the ball at different spots on the wall to test my accuracy.
  3. Partner Drills: Work with a teammate who can serve you the ball from different angles. Practice taking quick shots, focusing on hitting the top corners.


Tips from the Pros

  • Watch and Learn: Study professional players known for their top bin shots. Watch videos to understand their technique and body mechanics.
  • Consistent Practice: Make top bin shots a regular part of your training routine. Consistency is key to mastering any skill.


“Top bins” is more than just a term; it’s a celebration of skill, precision, and the sheer joy of the sport. Whether you’re a seasoned football fan or new to the game, seeing a “top bins” goal is a moment to savor. So, next time you hear someone mention “top bins,” you’ll know they’re talking about one of the most thrilling feats in football. Keep your eyes peeled and enjoy the beautiful game!


If you have a favorite “Top Bins” goal, go to our Twitter page and let us know about it! My personal favorite is Tobin Heath’s goal against Washington while she was with Portland Thorns or Cameron Tucker of the Utah Royals!